Monday to Saturday 10 AM - 7 PM
Ayur Wellness and Pain Centre
0121 553 7575
Lymphatic Drain Massage
Lymphatic Drain Massage is a massage which targets lymphatic system in our body. Lymphatic massage helps in draining excessive fluid from your body. This is one of the gentle and yet relaxing massage. Highly recommended in conditions like Varicose veins, Deep Vein thrombosis and other circulatory diseases.

Postural Assessment & Corrective Therapy
Posture plays an important role in keeping our spine healthy and normal. Poor posture is considered as one of the leading causes for Back Problems. This treatment aims to correct and evaluate any posture related problems and correct them with restorative techniques.
Bone Manipulation
Bone manipulation or Joint manipulation involves HGV thrust which can result in instant relief in pressure from muscle sprains, joint pain and stiffness in the joints. We have combined the methods of joint manipulation with ayurveda marma techniques to help in chronic and acute pain.
Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle cleansing procedure to eliminate toxins and stored faecal Matter, gas and mucus, dead tissues, worms, parasites and toxic substances from the colon. It Lasts up to 1 hr. Colon hydrotherapy is considered as one of the best detox procedure for the Cleansing colon. Some of the Benefits are helping in migraines, Irritable bowel syndrome, Indigestion, Unexplained headaches and aids in losing weight.
£ 45.00