Ketogenic Diet also called low carb diet or High fat low carb diet first came in to existence in 1921 as an alternative diet which can help control seizures in epilepsy kids.
Glucose is the primary source of energy for our body which we get from carbohydrates in our food. Fats are usually stored away as reserve. Whenever there is no intake of food or in case of starvation our body uses stored fat as energy source by converting it in to glucose. Ketogenic diet is simply based on this fact. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which liver converts fats in to fatty acids and ketones. Ketones replace the glucose in the brain as energy source and this state of high ketones in the blood is called as KETOSIS which reduces epileptic seizures.
How does it work?
Ketogenic diet primarily comprises of 70 % fats, 20 % protein and 10 % carbs. It can typically include any fat foods, very low carbs and medium protein content of food.
Starting from Weight loss to reducing cravings, insulin resistance and controlling hunger. Ketogenic diet ticks all boxes. It is also considered as one of the best diets for loosing weight.
People who went on keto say that it is quite difficult to adapt your body to high fat diet. During this period it can make them quite irritable and exhausted. Once crossed this barrier they often have all good effects. But, most people give up before that.
"Ketogenic diet is a great alternative diet which has lot of benefits with regards to weight loss. If you can adjust to low carb and high fat diet"

Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting isn't something new it has been part of our civilization right from our ancient ape man. In some cultures people follow intermittent fasting as form of ritual on auspicious days.
How does it work?
Recent research has showed many promising uses to intermittent fasting in regards to health. Intermittent fasting can be of different variations like
1.Whole day fasting i.e. 24 hr day fasts once or twice a week. A difficult fast would be alternate day fasts.
2. 5:2 - Means 5 days of eating unrestricted food and fasting for 2 days with very limited calorie count up to 500 calories.
3. Restricted time frame fasting means eating only 2 meals or 1 meal a day and fasting the rest of the day. 16 hour fasting is popular which means fasting from dinner till next afternoon lunch by skipping breakfast in the morning. 23 hour fast is by eating 1 meal and fasting for rest of the day. There are even extended fasts which are quite extensive lasting for even 36 to 48 hours.
Intermittent fasting can significantly reduce weight by reducing the calorie consumption. It also increases the fat burning hormones like nor-epinephrine in the body. Due to the less calorie intake it reduces insulin level in the blood. Intermittent Fasting has several other benefits even at cellular level in our body.
Often staying hungry over period of time can make a person feel tired and exhausted. It is also difficult to sticking to fasting times and eating times.People often end up over eating during the eating times which doesn't serve the purpose of losing weight.
"Intermittent fasting is a great alternative to regular diets where you don't have to follow some kind of diet or exercise to lose weight. Couple of hours a day or a week just not eating, intermittent fasting can make a lot of difference."
Bottom line is Ketogenic diet or Intermittent Fasting both are great ways to lose weight. But, which one suits better depends on individual circumstance. If you are someone who can survive with out eating or someone who can adjust eating high fat and low carb diet. Even though, personally I feel to try Intermittent Fasting!